Watch “Trophy Wife” Official Trailer under the Viva Films released on Friday the first trailer for its sexy drama movie which stars Cristine Reyes, John Estrada, Heart Evangelista, and Derek Ramsay. Directed by Andoy Ranay, "Trophy Wife" will hit theaters on July 30, 2014.
In the three-minute trailer, Chino (Ramsay) is shocked to find out that his brother Sammy (Estrada) is married to a woman with whom he had a romantic past, Lani (Reyes).
Chino's doubts about Lani turn out to be valid; it is revealed that Lani has been plotting her revenge on him, which includes marrying his brother. In one scene, Lani pieces together news clippings about Chino and Sammy, both society figures.
Lani even appears to shoot a man who is privy to her past. Meanwhile, Chino's girlfriend Gwen (Evangelista) appears to be at odds with Lani. However, the two are later seen discussing their respective partners and how they should stick to a plan they have worked on for a year.
"Trophy Wife" will mark the second time Ramsay and Reyes will be paired on the big screen, following the 2011 film "No Other Woman."
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